Mtg arena vampire deckhub
Mtg arena vampire deckhub

This deck does slightly better against slower decks due to the high removal, such as Gatekeeper of Malakir, Feast of Blood, Remorseless Punishment, and Vampire Nighthawk. Weaknesses: Vampire Nighthawk, Vampire Hexmage, Feast of Blood, and Gatekeeper of Malakir are really the only defenses against an early rush so this deck is somewhat weak to goblin rushes or other types of speedy rushes.

mtg arena vampire deckhub

However, don't be hesitant to trade in your Vampire Nighthawk to remove a threatening creature I would not recommend using creatures to block damage to your face unless necessary. Vampire Hexmage, Mirri the Cursed, and Feast of Blood should be able to outtrade quite well. You theoretically should be able to finish the game without losing a single creature. You sort of want to drop creatures to get through the first few turns and then BAM! You drop the Vampire Nocturnus, giving all your creatures +2 attack and flying, and then you can rush the enemy. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Although you can win through lots of different ways with this deck, the most important card is Vampire Nocturnus.

mtg arena vampire deckhub

The midgame is where this deck truly shines. Optimally, victory should be achieved around turn 7 or 8. The goal of this deck is to sort of "drain" away the opponent's health.

mtg arena vampire deckhub

I also chose some cards to ensure a steady early game, most notably Vampire Cutthroat, and strong game-enders such as Remorseless Punishment and Sorin's Vengeance. Overview: I tried to design this deck to be versatile.(hopefully I did a good job) Therefore, I chose cards that take advantage of the vampire archetype, such as Anowon, the Ruin Sage, Vampire Hexmage, and Vampire Nocturnus. If you can find a better one, don't hesitate to let me know! Disclaimer: At this point, this is looking more like a rush deck than a "midrange deck." I have looked around tappedout and this seems to be the best mono-black midrange vamprie deck out there. Hello Everyone! My intent is to create a mono-black, midrange vampire deck for modern.

Mtg arena vampire deckhub